Chou Cream Pink Circle Lenses Review by @rasakuranko

Hi Everyone!

Whoa is September~ The time flies and I am not sure how the moths passed so fast and wow I am here writing a new review. I should write this review some days before today but like I said in my previous post I´ve been a bit sick but today I feel better. And thanks to that I am writing today. Probably after finish I am going to record a new video review because I need record more for videos. Tonight I have a good sleep, lately I´ve been with problems for sleep. Since I can´t sleep and I finish sleeping around 5 Am or not sleeping nothing so today I feel better because tonight I sleep better too. ヽ(。ゝω・。)ノ Thanks to the amazing store Ohmykitty4u I am here with a new review of fabulous circle lenses.

If you want know how care the circle lenses
I want invite you to read my post

The pattern~(┌・。・)┌

¤ Design/Pattern + Color: I love how cute is the design of these lenses because is very natural the pattern but obviously the colors are not.The color are a mix between old pink, pale pink and burgundy and a dark soft brown. And more close to the center few yellows sparkles super cute because this wonderful mix of colors blends pretty well with my natural eyes. I love it series of lenses due the great combination of colors. 

¤ Comfort: These are very comfy and I don´t need eye drops or nothing with them. I can use perfect in AC without feel my eyes dry.

¤ Enlargement: Provides a great enlargement but obviously the diameter is 15.00 mm so the enlargement is noticeable. But not nothing too exaggerated (at least for my style).

¤ Overall: Probably the best part of these circle lenses is that even where the colors are not natural they not look fake. I was worried because when I use pink or violet lenses  tend to look nothing natural and are more for cosplay but I must confess that i can use this circle lenses for complement my makeup and the provides a soft dolly look. Well not so soft because the enlargement is noticeable, but I am happy that that the design and the color are super kawaii~ I feel comfortable using these lenses and for me are cute and pretty. Probably the best part is that I don´t look like a creepy alien. And I love it the soft but lovely look to my eyes.

¤ Rating: ★★★★

Where to buy cute circle lenses?

If you want buy the Chou Cream Pink Circle Lens

 。(⌒∇⌒。)Selfie time~
(ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ

\(^▽^@)ノI hope you liked this review~ Because I really like these lenses~.:*☆

Thank you to OhmyKitty4U for these cute lenses~
Happy day lovelies~o(〃^▽^〃)o

Bye Bye!!

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